Saturday, February 9, 2013

Brazin' Brazeau

“New scandal hits Senate.
Brazeau ejected from caucus after arrest; Harper faces more headaches over upper house as reform stalls.”

So read the headline published in the GLOBE AND MAIL, dated Feb. 8th, 2013 and written Bill Curry, Daniel Leblanc, and Steven Chase.

As you may know, with the current Senate format, it is the Prime Minister who appoints members for their respective role on Canadian governance and, for all appointed, on a path to easy money and ultimate retirement. One would assume; appointments are based on recommendations and rhetoric. In the above noted case, one could surmise too, Harper needed an “Aboriginal” in his caucus to be seen as a Prime Minister sensitive to aboriginal issues but also a Prime Minister who likely needed an Aboriginal who advocated PC views…enter Patrick Brazeau.

For Harper, Brazeau is young and is a non-status Indian and therefore does not fall under the Indian Act and furthermore, in the past, Brazeau has been negative and critical on the on-going challenge of the relationship of status Indians under the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the federal government. So, how has Brazeau performed and conformed so far?

“ I am deeply appalled…and feel let down,” said the Prime Minister today (February 9th, 2013).

Subsequent to a 911 call, the RCMP responded and went to Senator Brazeau’s house in Gatineau, QC and did apprehend him overnight pending investigation with possibly pressing criminal charges. Today, the RCMP has charged him with assault and sexual assault.

So, what is the Prime Minister to do now?

“I think it is known that in light of the serious events that have been reported today (February 9, 2013), I have removed Senator Brazeau from the Conservative caucus.”

Senator Brazeau now sits as an Independent and is on leave with full pay. Unless Harper reforms the Senate as he had promised as an election platform, Senator Brazeau could retire comfortably, thanks to future earnings of $7 million dollars to the end of his term…not bad for a likely criminal facing serious allegations.

In the big picture, it is the Prime Minister who should be held accountable but with a majority government…who cares?